Breaking Records: The Most Extraordinary Chickens
Chickens are fascinating creatures, and some have achieved amazing records. Here are some incredible stories about the most extraordinary chickens and their achievements.

The Longest Recorded Flight
Did you know that chickens can fly, but usually not very far? However, one special chicken set a record by flying for 13 seconds. Most chickens can only manage a few seconds in the air, making this flight truly extraordinary.

The World's Largest Chicken Egg
In 1956, a hen laid the world’s largest egg. This egg was huge, measuring 12.25 inches in circumference. It was even more special because it had a double yolk and a double shell. Imagine finding that in your breakfast!

The Oldest Chicken
Chickens usually live for 5 to 10 years. However, the oldest recorded chicken lived to be 20 years and 11 months old. Her name was Peanut, and she made it into the Guinness World Records. Peanut was a bantam hen from Michigan, USA. She lived a long and happy life with her owner, who took great care of her. Peanut passed away in 2023, leaving behind an extraordinary legacy.

The Most Eggs Laid in One Year
A healthy hen lays around 250 to 300 eggs per year. But one amazing hen set a record by laying 371 eggs in a single year! That's more than one egg a day, showing just how productive chickens can be.

The Heaviest Chicken
The heaviest chicken ever recorded was a White Sully named Big Snow. He weighed a whopping 23 pounds! That's as much as a medium-sized dog. Most chickens weigh between 5 to 10 pounds, so Big Snow was truly exceptional.

The Most Expensive Chicken
Did you know some chickens are very valuable? The most expensive chicken ever sold was a breed called Ayam Cemani. These chickens are black from head to toe, inside and out. One Ayam Cemani chicken was sold for $2,500!

The Smartest Chicken
Chickens are smarter than many people think. One chicken named "Mike the Headless Chicken" became famous for living 18 months without his head. While this might sound strange, it shows how resilient chickens can be. Mike’s owner fed him with an eyedropper, and Mike even went on tour to show people how extraordinary he was.
Chickens might seem like ordinary birds, but these record-breaking chickens show just how extraordinary they can be. From flying the longest to laying the most eggs, these chickens have achieved incredible feats. Next time you see a chicken, remember these amazing stories and think about how remarkable these birds truly are.