How to Properly Nourish Your Chickens During Molting and Cold Weather
Caring for your chickens' health means paying close attention to their diet, especially during molting or the colder months. These periods bring unique nutritional needs for your flock. With the right approach, you can ensure your chickens stay strong, produce healthy eggs, and avoid sickness. Here’s how you can support them during these critical times.

1. Increase Protein During Molting
Molting is a natural process where chickens lose their old feathers and grow new ones. This happens once a year, usually in the fall, and can last several weeks. Feathers are made of protein, so during molting, chickens need extra protein to help regrow feathers and stay healthy.
Tips for Adding Protein:
- High-protein feed: Switch to a feed with at least 18-20% protein.
- Supplements: You can add protein-rich treats like scrambled eggs, mealworms, or black soldier fly larvae.
- Legumes: Peas, lentils, and beans are excellent sources of plant-based protein that you can mix into their feed.
2. Keep Them Warm in Winter
Cold months can be hard on chickens. Their energy goes toward staying warm, so they may need more calories to maintain their body heat. In winter, chickens need extra fats and carbohydrates.
Feeding Tips for Winter:
- Scratch grains: Offer scratch grains like corn in the late afternoon. This helps generate body heat overnight as they digest.
- Warm, hearty treats: Oatmeal, cooked vegetables, and sunflower seeds are good winter snacks that provide energy.
- Fresh water: Ensure water is always available and not frozen. You can use a heated waterer to prevent freezing.
3. Use Supplements for Extra Health Support
Molting and winter can weaken chickens’ immune systems, making them more vulnerable to illness. Adding supplements to their diet can boost their health.
Helpful Supplements:
- Apple cider vinegar: Add a little to their water to improve digestion and fight bacteria.
- Garlic: Known for its natural antibiotic properties, garlic can strengthen their immune system.
- Probiotics: These help balance the gut flora and improve nutrient absorption.
4. Offer Grit and Oyster Shells
To ensure your chickens are digesting their food properly and laying strong eggs, provide them with grit and oyster shells year-round. Grit helps with digestion, while oyster shells offer calcium for eggshell production.
By paying attention to your chickens’ specific needs during molting and winter, you can help them stay healthy and productive. Adjusting their diet with the right nutrients will ensure your flock thrives, no matter the season.